Items are shipped from our warehouses in the Hong Kong. Please kindly view the estimated delivery time in the "Shipping policy" on the product page. If you cannot find your country on the checkout page when placing an order, it means this country cannot be delivered for some uncontrollable reasons. All of the costs incurred by the customs will be borne by the customer.

  • Standard Shipping $8.99 (Normally 6-14 Working days).
  • Free shipping on orders over $99 we will automatically provide free shipping service. 

  • Note: Once your order is shipped out, you will receive a tracking number by email from us. If you don't receive the email or the package by any chance, I would appreciate it that you could contact us within 15 working days. If you contact us after the deadline, please understand that we may not be able to make compensation. Email us:

For your convenience, we are happy to ship our products to most places in the world. For detailed information about standard and expedited delivery, please refer to the following countries or regions:

  • United States, Canada and other regions, it usually takes 6-14 working days;
  • European regions (such as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and other countries or regions), it usually takes 4-12 working days;
  • Australia, New Zealand and other countries or regions, it usually takes 4-14 working days;
  • If your items are to be shipped to other countries, it usually takes 5-20 working days, but some policies and other force majeure factors will cause delivery delays;

* Please note that the above shipping times are estimates quoted by our courier companies, so Dorimywig  cannot be liable or held responsible for any delays after dispatch. Delays do happen occasionally due to uncontrollable factors, but please be assured that Dorimywig will do our best to limit any inconveniences that may arise.

Music Therapy

Interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non. Justo laoreet sitamet cursus sit amet dictumsita.

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Fuse Music

Diam sollicitudin tempor id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id porta tortornih.

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  • Ala Olivia


  • George Leo

    Project Manager

  • Amelia Jacky

    Production Controller

  • Daniel Arthur

    Store Manager